Mission Statement: Possible
We have been growing, helping more customers, and welcoming new members to our team. We’ve been developing new solutions, and we’ve been learning as we grow. And we believe that at the root of our growth is the relationships we’ve built, the intuitive solutions we’ve offered, and the values that we continue to uphold.
With all of this in mind, we thought it was time to redefine what that means for us. To put it into words. And then to keep putting it into action. That is why we came together as a team to rewrite our mission statement. And here it is:
Sockeye is raising the bar for partner relationships through innovation, empathy, and grit.
We have defined this set of principles as our purpose. It’s simple. It’s how we do what we do. It will guide us, and it will stand the test of time as we continue to grow.
When developing our mission statement, we thought a lot about what makes Sockeye unique. We offer a full suite of software services, sure. So do lots of people. We think that what we offer with those services, though, is what sets us apart.
We offer on-a-dime iterations, we scale and grow with our customers, and we offer full-bodied solutions catered to each client. We also offer innovation, empathy, and grit. We see it every day in the interactions that happen between employee and customer, employee and employee, even employee and community.
It is literally who we are. And because it’s who we are, we will continue to work this mission. It’s ambitious, yes. But so are we.
Let’s raise the bar together.